through the hallways of my mind
and open each and every door
so that all my most precious memories
can come out and mingle in the corridor
and celebrate with one another
I found these gorgeous photos of gypsy caravans in one of my favorite blogs
I was immediately reminded of a poem I wrote long ago (before my husband and I moved in together)
I searched through many of my journals and finally found it...
my gypsy wagon
with its peeling paint
and flowing curtains
will forever be parked in our suburban back yard
where I can visit it
whenever the need arises

I was so afraid that I would have to abandon all of my dreams of living a full and creative life in order to, you know, be a grown up, pay bills, move up in the world! But with the support and encouragement of my close friends and family, I am living a charmed life doing what I love!!!