Looking back...an entire year's worth of memories. Already losing their vibrancy...but like a patchwork quilt, well-used, well-loved, the ability to comfort simply grows as time passes. Each individual piece depicts a different story. Feelings felt, places visited, challenges met, mistakes made...all leading up to this day, this very moment. And where am I? A question I ask myself over and over again. Have I arrived? Am I on my way??? Am I even headed in the right direction? No one really knows. We can simply trust our hearts...that our hearts will lead us to a place we can call home. The trouble is tuning out all of the noise, all of the distractions that living confronts us with...financial struggles, familial responsibilities, menial chores, the need for sleep even! I constantly feel as though I am in a marathon race against time! Juggling so many things at once. And I need to remind myself too, that even if all the things you are juggling are GOOD...simplify! Focus on those things that are the most important to you.
That brings me to the here and now. My New Year's resolutions. I could spew off hundreds!!! But I want to prioritize just a couple. The first of which is an emotional and physical overhaul! Rebalancing. The first step I've taken is filling out an application for the Energy Exchange program at Moksha Yoga. I volunteer at the studio for four hours a week and in return have a free membership! Perfect!!! Not only will this contribute to my emotional and physical well-being, but also give me a sense of belonging and connection to community. Next resolution...to live in gratitude. When I get caught up in the hustle and bustle...I tend to forget just how fortunate I am. In 2010 I want to be mindful of all the little things that I take for granted. One way I thought I could help myself to do this is to give back. I have culled through many of my belongings and have come up with a few boxes for Helping Hands in Winnipeg, I signed up to sponsor a woman in Africa through Women for Women International, and I am looking to volunteer at Siloam Mission.
I really hope that these changes and the choices that I make in the coming year facilitate the growth that I crave in my life. With my family, my business, my self. I want to set a good example for my son. I want him to grow up in a world full of hope and love. Perhaps if hope and love is what I choose to see all around me as well as within, he may someday follow suit.
“Look at life through the windshield, not the rear-view mirror”
Happy New Year everyone!!!
have I told you that you're inspiring..seriously. Amazing resolutions and I know you will succeed at them!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the beautiful pics you take...you are forever a part of our family memories!
HAppy new year!